(Your Human Design Essentials)

What it’s about

You know that feeling – the sense that you’re standing on the brink of something good? Almost like a word on the tip of your tongue, but different. You can’t explain it, but you feel it. There’s anticipation, excitement, a knowing…and then the mind kicks in…

And you feel confused, maybe alarmed. You’re teetering toward what’s calling you and then back to what’s nice and safe…and ho-hum. 

This session will help you understand these inner callings; discover how you’re designed to engage with life; make right-for-you decisions; and get a sense of your unique gifts, challenges, and purpose. It’s about recognizing who and how you really are and, with that, trusting those internally guided nudges even when you’re not quite sure where they’re leading you.

Since integrating Human Design into my coaching practice for those who resonate with it, I’ve heard a variety of positive comments:  

“I can trust myself.”

“This is life-changing!”

“You’re helping me connect all the dots.”

“Thank you for being you and helping me be me.”

They’re more curious about and at-home with themselves. I want that for you too.

Who it’s for

  • You’re done with a half-assed life and want to do and be more of what excites you without blowing anything up
  • You’re on the edge of something and you keep talking yourself out of it even though you know it’s for you. 
  • You’re curious and terrified to go down this road of self-discovery by yourself.
  • You’re exhausted and fed up with the overthinking and second-guessing hamster wheel and are ready to step out of the cage you’ve innocently built around yourself.

“Michaela, honestly the way you weaved all the different parts of my design together and framed it in the context of explaining my biggest struggles to me was incredible!! I have had several Human Design readings now, but none that have resonated as strongly as yours! You are so gifted! Thank you so much. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾”

~ Michaela Lambert, Love Coach, Wiltshire, UK ~

Say no more. I'm ready!

What we’ll do

Discover What Makes You, You – We’ll dive into your Human Design chart together and uncover the core insights that reveal your natural strengths, gifts, and challenges and how you’re designed to make decisions and take action in the world.

Understand the Edge You’re Teetering On – We’ll explore the inner nudges you’ve been receiving, the challenges you want to overcome, and what new sense can be made of it all through the lens of your chart.

Take It Slow – We’ll take our time over 2 calls to ensure you’re able to absorb, reflect, and ask questions, and that I’m able to guide you through to the truth of you which, by the way, Human Design is only a part of. This will be a solid first step toward clarity and confidence and what you’ve got going for you.

Stay Connected – Between calls, we’ll connect on Telegram where you can ask questions and share your wins as you process and put into practice being more YOU.

What you get


  • Two 90-minute calls on Zoom 1-2 weeks apart (plus recording)
  • A pre-call video explaining the parts of a Human Design chart so we can dive right into yours 
  • Telegram support between calls
  • $222 CAD

Why now

It’s time to take a stand for your truth and turn your back on lies – innocent or otherwise – that you or others have been telling yourself. Allow the more truthful story of you to be expressed and experienced.  

You’ve a seat at the table of the world that no one else can fill. Take it.

If you know what you want and feel stuck, or you’re unsure of what’s next and know something’s got to give, maybe this is for you. Availability is limited, so book now.

What to do next

  1. Click the button below to book your call, make payment, and receive your Zoom link.
  2. On your confirmation page and email, look for three red hearts (❤️❤️❤️) to locate a questionnaire for you to complete and submit to help us focus on what matters most during your call. It includes questions about your current priorities and your birth chart details required to create your Human Design chart. Please complete this right after booking.
  3. Connect with me on Telegram where I’ll answer all your questions the week after your call. My link will be located below the questionnaire. Look for the loudspeaker (📢).
  4. You’ll receive a reminder email 24 hours prior to your call.


** If you’re unsure of your exact birth time, don’t worry. Key aspects of your Human Design chart can be identified with high accuracy through a manual process. In some cases, a short conversation may be needed to narrow down possibilities.

Other options to explore:

  1. Contact the birth hospital.
  2. Contact your local government records department (eg. Vital Statistics.
  3. Consult an astrologer who specializes in birth rectification.

Hi! I'm Michaela.

For years, I’ve been helping people know, trust, and be themselves to make right-for-them decisions, share their true nature, and get more adventurous enjoyment from their lives. 

I lean on my grounding in how mind, consciousness, and thought work to create our experience of life (Three Principles); how our energetic selves attract or repel what we do or don’t want (Law of Vibration & Attraction); intuitive energetic healing practices; and, now the practical application of Human Design as really good and accurate information about who you are and how you work.

I’m a 5/1 Mental Projector in Human Design terms. I’m not a Human Design purist. I’ve been studying it since October 2023 and continue to expand my knowledge in my own unique tangential learning ways and then integrate my insights into helpful conversations and teachings. 

Nothing fascinates me more than the study of how humans work. And nothing is more delightful to me than to help people know themselves better, to see there’s nothing to hide and only to expand upon, and then see them create truth-filled lives they genuinely enjoy. It’s the best!

I invite you to get to know yourself and allow your energy to lead the way in expressing your essence naturally, honestly, and powerfully into the world. It matters.

With love and appreciation, 

Michaela 🩵

Who you really are is more than enough! Discover it for yourself.